"Dedicated to the Wise Woman tradition, I help women to learn the oldest ways of healing - together we are rediscovering the green witch/healer in each of us.
My goal is to change how we think about health and healing. May we all reclaim herbal medicine as the simple, safe primary care it is; a gift of health from the green nations.
My primary ally, my teacher in all things is Nature: the Earth and her many companions. I live with the plants, and the weather, and my goats. I grow most of my own food, heat with wood, milk the goats twice a day. No radio, no recorded music, no TV, no newspaper intrudes on my day or interrupts my thoughts. I listen to the plants. I put their words into print. I publish their thoughts." -Susun Weed
The voice of the Wise Woman tradition and founder of The Wise Woman Center in Woodstock, New York, Susun Weed began studying herbal medicine in 1965.
Her extensive knowledge of herbal wisdom and powerful personality put her on top when it comes to our green friends, especially concerning women's health. She empowers women across the globe, weaving a beautiful design of health, healing and self-love ... teaching about our herbal allies.
If you want to rediscover the ancient Wise Woman ways, passed down through the generations, nourishing the wholeness of the unique individual, Susun's award-winning books are for you. They offer Wise Woman approaches to common women's ailments including reproductive health, breast health, cancer prevention and treatment, fertility, menopause and childbearing.
The wisdom of Susun is delightful, enriching and green, holding an international reputation for her style and authority in the field of herbalism. Her words are full of encouragement, inspiration and enthusiasm, creating a spark in the heart of all who read her work. She believes that herbal medicine is people's medicine and has devoted her entire life to reweaving the healing cloak of the Ancients. In addition to her books, she offers apprentice programs and correspondence courses.
To me Susun is the voice of the beautiful earth, our Ancient Mother. Her work is a reflection of the love she has for the plants and the plants have for her. Expect to be fascinated and at times enchanted, hoping the fairies reveal themselves to you while reading, learning and playing out in the nature world.
If you are a prepper, expecting impending doom, these books will save you lots of money on all those survival packs of food because you literally can go outside and forage, wildcrafting your way to health and happiness ... even during the apocalypse.
Unique and one-of-a-kind ... I expected them to be good, but was spellbound by the poetic voice of our Ancient Mothers words within the pages of Susun's books .. empowering me, calling me!
Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year

Many people do not realize the power that some herbs hold, good and bad. I feel so blessed to know what I know from this book ... This book makes a great gift, even if the woman is not really into herbs because it acts as a protective shield, cautioning about the use of certain ingredients ... If you are into using herbs, this book contains everything you will need to have the best pregnancy possible with the help of our green friends.
New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way
I am too young for this book myself so I let my mom borrow it and asked her to share her thoughts. I was excited to here her thoughts, as this book is quite radical compared to the kinds of things that my mom normally reads. I wasn't surprised at all when she told me that she loves it and really learned a lot. She took it to work and shared it with all her friends who found it really interesting too! Everyone loves it and many went out and bought their own copy. If you are menopausal or approaching, my mom and her crew highly recommend this book.
Healing Wise

Highly recommended!
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