Become more beautiful on the outside by becoming more beautiful on the inside.

Beauty's Skin is Very Deep
In a world obsessed with beauty, many people often find themselves caught up in the web of being beautiful. This can be a web of varied colors. Fashion and beauty, in its innocence can be a lot of fun, an art form in itself - a form of expression. It is unfortunate, however, that beauty is judged, so often, alone on superficiality. Beauty is so much more than that. Beauty is wellness from the inside out. True beauty is much deeper than what we can see upon a first glance. It is a deep well of love that comes from inside ourselves. A true beauty has the depth of an eternal ocean and it can easily be seen as the elixir of eternal youth.
Outer Beauty's Shadow
Outer beauty certainly can be less than attractive. Beauty can actually be a very dark place. A dark place of suffering, with a pretty heavy price tag. Perfection is the ideal that many woman and even some men are faced with. Anyone who falls short of the "magazine defined" ideal of perfection is susceptible to ridicule for being "less than perfect". Usually this ridicule comes from within, a feeling of being less than or not good enough in comparison to others. This message of being not good enough unless ... seems to be taught at a very young age and enforced through out life. "The pretty ones have life served up on a silver patter, are powerful and have lots and lots of friends" - but is this really true? Is outer beauty really that valuable?
Choosing to suffer for beauty is not at all uncommon. Plastic surgery, dangerous cosmetics laced with unhealthy chemicals, electrolysis, laser treatments, starvation and uncomfortable clothing are just a few ways that the desire to be attractive can be anything but beautiful to achieve. Beauty can be downright painful. Yet the truth within always remains and no matter how beautiful the shell without the life on the inside their is merely something pretty and empty to put on display. Inner beauty stands the test of time. Internal ugliness will manifest itself at some point and time. You will only be able to fool people for so long. The truth of someone will eventually become evident and in time, the curtain will fall and the show will be over. A virtuous person does not have to worry about such illusions being shattered.
True Beauty Reflects
A truly beautiful character is a person who radiates self acceptance and the acceptance of others for who they really are, often highlighting the most positive attributes of every person and situation. Inner beauty all begins with your inner self. Who are you on the inside? Inner beauty could easily be described as the amount of love you give; love to yourself, your spouse, your children, your world, your God and to others. It is evident that inner beauty begins with self love.
It is difficult to love anything or anyone without love for the self. Developing a beautiful character and personality is as easy as having love and respect for the self. Your actions and behavior will reflect this love. You will begin to radiate inner beauty. It is important to realize that your thoughts are very powerful and so are you. A person who has very pure thoughts and benevolent intentions will be very attractive to others. When your thoughts are beautiful, you will radiate this inner beauty. You will also attract beauty to you in numerous forms. Your inner beauty will make others feel good when they are around you. A good person will leave a positive impression on others, making others feel safe and calm and even inspired at times. A person who is beautiful on the inside is gracious, kind and loving. The presence of such a beautiful spirit helps cultivate the best in the individuals that are a part of their life. You can become more beautiful on the outside simply by becoming more beautiful on the inside.
All the people we attract into our lives are a mirror of our innermost beliefs about ourselves and our world. Cultivate feelings of self love for yourself and love for your world. You cannot love another, and no one can love you until you understand what it means to love yourself. Nothing is more important than having a deep and genuine appreciation and love for yourself. Love is at the core of everything and without it, even the greatest achievements will feel empty. Strive to see the good in every situation, place and person. Inner beauty deepens, becoming more beautiful with age. How amazing is that? The fountain of youth is within your heart. Think happy thoughts and you will be a happy person and everyone will want to be around you. Our thoughts determine who and what we attract into our lives. Happiness feeds off itself. When you are happy, it is easier to think happy thoughts so find what makes you happy, if you do not already know, and do those things. The happier you are the more confident and beautiful you will be.
Affirming a Beautiful World
An affirmation is a seed. These seeds come in great variety, some good, some bad, some hidden in the shadow's absence of light, some filled and bursting with white light. These seeds hold potential growth that might come into reality on the physical plane of existence. When you affirm something you declare that it is true. When you do this, especially repeated over and over again, you leave a very strong impression on your subconscious mind. When a proper impression is made the subconscious mind believes the statement to be true. Then it creates this truth in life. I mean, after all, you have already declared it to be true and so it is and must be as far as your subconsciousness is concerned. Do you see how powerful you are. This is in a way a bit of real, genuine magic. The universe really is a magnificent place in which deep respect and continuous gratitude will get you far. By using your mind you truly do have power over matter.
Inner Beauty Affirmations:
- Choose at least one affirmation from the list below. Affirm the statement or statements every morning and every evening before you go to bed for ten weeks.
- I am peaceful and harmonious with myself, others and life.
- I am mutually respectful and admirable to everyone's own unique, individual beauty.
- I love and accept myself just as I am.
- I find the value in everything. I love myself and I love life.
- My inner beauty shines brighter everyday.
- I stand on the mountain of my dreams.
- I love life and am excited about every new day.
- I am strong through every trial and triumph in victory through life.
- I am always surrounded by love and my life is full and complete.
- I am beautiful and everyone loves me.
- I am a diamond, a pearl, a flower of nature.
- I am loved and lovable.
- My wisdom guides me.
- I am a beautiful soul.
- I love life and radiate inner beauty.
- I forgive others and I forgive myself. Mistakes are a way to do better next time.
- I accept everything just as it.
- I allow myself to feel good. I allow myself to feel happy.
- I am an alluring, captivating and intelligent woman of love and kindness. I share my kindness everywhere I go.
- I accept my inner beauty and feel it radiate from me.
- I recognize my inner beauty and allow it to shine outward to everyone.
- I love myself and who I am. It feels good to be me.
- My heart feels love and the many colors of joy and pain.
- I radiate acceptance and love from others.
- I celebrate the amazing life that is before me and appreciate the beauty of life.
- I am loved for both my inner beauty and my outer beauty.
- Love surrounds me and protects me.
- I am hope, joy, love, peace, truth and positive, radiant light.
- I am one with all that is.
- I love and appreciate our magnificent planet.
- I am open to receive love in my life.
- I take time to see the true beauty in my surroundings and in all people.
- I love myself and take good care of myself.
- I ask for help if I need it.
Wishing you more beauty in your life that you can handle. Always know that at your core you are an eternal, radiate source of love. You are and always have been a beautiful creation of God. This you must never forget.
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