The Source School of Tantra Yoga has many ways to learn the sacred art of Tantra ... workshops, books, home study courses, DVD's among several other methods of study. I was fortunate enough to be able to take a look at three of the Source School of Tantra Yoga DVDs and look forward to sharing my thoughts on them today.

The foremost teachers of Tantra and Tao come together to teach the art of sacred sexuality that originated in ancient India and China ... teaching secrets of good loving. I like this DVD because it is like going to one of the workshops in the comfort of your own home. Lots of great information in this DVD.
Secrets of Female Sexual Ecstasy DVD
My goodness ... be sure the kids are in bed before you watch this visually explicit educational DVD. My favorite thing about this DVD is how easy it makes it to learn these techniques ... you are literally shown what to do to increase your lovemaking skills!
Sexual Healing: The Tantra Way DVD
Awesome !!