
Friday, March 29, 2013

Review: Valco Baby Glo Bugz Flashing Safety Lights

Valco Baby Glo Bugz Flashing Safety Lights

The Glo Bugz Safety Light is a small bright light that attaches to a pram or stroller. The safety light has three modes: On, flashing and off.
These lights are a great way to create a safer stroller while walking at night or on a darker day.  They fasten to just about anything. The lights are really easy to use and work well.  They come in packs of two, one white or clear, and the other red, they are made of a solid waterproof opaque plastic representing the defined colorsI like to carry a pack of these in the survival gear bag too.  They make great signalling devices.  They are inexpensive, less than $10.00 and last a long time.   Make a nice in-addition gift.

For more information, please visit Valco Baby. 

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