
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Review: 'Beneath The Veil' by Zingaia

Romance your lover this St. Valentine's Day with sacred music that echoes love and devotion.

Zingaia's Beneath The Veil is the first of three albums and was released back in August, 1997 by Sequoia Records, a well-respected name in New Age Music. Zingaia, the creation of husband and wife team, Katlyn and Michael Breene, was formed in the early 1990s. The Breenes' music is a blend of multicultural, new age, electronica-techno-trance-dance and exotic gypsy.

Beneath the Veil is dedicated to sacred lovers and to the eternal divine feminine, in her many forms and guises. To date, Zingaia has released three albums and has appeared on six compilations.

This album is captivating and addictive, getting into your blood, lighting a flame deep within your heart. Beneath the Veil takes you into a different realm, creating an atmosphere of mystery, mysticism and magic. It is an intoxicating blend of tribal percussion, keyboard, ethereal and haunting voices, repetitious hand drumming, giggles, chants and exotic melodies. Some songs contain a drone-like quality, adding to the already rich hypnotic textures.

The music paints a picture of fantasy lands afar. Visions of gypsies belly dancing, incense, smoke, ritual and lovers' union dance within the mind's gaze, pulling you deeper into the music. Some songs take you to the sea; others to the sand. You can hear elements from all over the world, combined to create a unique sound and style. Zingaia does not try to fit into any one genre of music, but paves a way for its own sound.

The lyrics are a mysterious blend of goddess invocation, poetic expression of the divine feminine and the alchemy of merging polarities creating a sacred union. The album begins with an invitation as "She Beckons," the first track, initiates you into the erotic, mysterious world of Zingaia. The journey moves forward and we are instructed to "Be the key to open something greater and hidden" in track two, "Invocation of the Goddess." The haunting, seductive vocals of Katlyn Breene and guest vocalist, Veronic Fabre, are alluring and enchanting; exciting yet relaxing.

Track three, "Sirens of the Moonlit Tide," my favorite track on the album, awakens your senses, if you are not up and dancing already. Moving forward, the sixth track, "Beneath The Veil," reveals the alluded secret. The album then continues on with one more track, the seventh and final piece of the composition.

The album, as a whole, has a feel of both excitement and relaxation, keeping you engaged, yet distant, creating a heightened alertness and a calm focus at the same time. This is another example of the unification or polar opposites, as earth and sky and male and female energies unite. The album is uplifting, meditative and easy to dance to. People of many different tastes can easily find an appreciation of this work. The aesthetics of the album are also impressive, the artist being the talented Katlyn Breene. Although the music speaks for itself, the art is a nice compliment to Zingaia's enchanting world.

Full length album recordings by Zingaia
  • Soles on Earth (2004, Sequoia Records)
  • Dancers of Twilight (2000, Sequoia Records)
  • Beneath the Veil (1996, Sequoia Records)
Compilations including recordings by Zingaia
  • Diani Beach Lounge (2004, Prudence Recordings)
  • Buddha-Lounge 3 (2004, Sequoia Records)
  • Cafe de Luna 2 (2004, Sequoia Records)
  • Ayurveda Lounge (2002, BSC Music GmbH)
  • Buddha-Lounge (2002, Sequoia Records)
  • Musical Healing (2001, Sequoia Records)
If you want to taste before you buy, please visit Zingaia - Beneath The Veil at Sequoia Records.

Details and Track Listing

Sequoia Records: Healing Music for Relaxation, Yoga and Meditation
Zingaia - Beneath the Veil
Sequoia Records
List Price: $16.98
Also available as an MP3 Download Album for $8.99

Zingaia, Beneath the Veil

1. She Beckons 2:19
2. Invocation 7:38
3. Sirens of the Moonlit Tide 9:03
4. Veil of Inanna 8:39
5. Ast Usari 8:27
6. Beneath the Veil 9:29
7. Breath of Passion 8:46

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