My goodness ... what an interesting and different oracle deck. The first thing I thought when I found this oracle was, hhmm ... what a strange deck ... and I love it. The Ask the Queens advice cards are an oracle deck with advice straight out of the history books from the lovely ladies, the Queens themselves. Each card contains a quote, as well as some background of the Queen, highlights of her life.
If you love only the positive side of life, and neglect the darker polarity of a perfect equation, these cards may make you a bit queasy. Some of the advice, although certainly something you could take to heart and follow is rather humorous. Advice such as the pretty, long-haired Ostrogoth Queen Amalasuntha gives, "Don't let your education make you stupid". This is actually very good advice, although I could not help but find it knee smacking, cheek-hurting hilarious. This is a good one for those "holy than thou" educated types ... enough said.

Thought provoking, rich in historical reference and delightfully creative, Ask The Queens would compliment any coffee table, especially during a woman's group or meet-up.
Get a taste of these cards and visit Ask The Queens for a free reading. For more information or to order, please visit US Games.
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