Did you know that our cells and molecules are tiny radio transmitters and receivers? Sound can be a powerful healer ...

therapeutic power of sound, more specifically of music can be
miraculous. Get Six sound engineers together who know this and we could
quite literally move mountains. The power of music is something that
musicians and ancient mystics have always known. With this Aquarian-age
and universal frequency shift, the scientific community is now "waking
up". It is an extremely exciting time in our world because it is
changing. Many believe that a new "awareness" will allow this
transformation to be one of positive change, planetary alignment,
atonement and brotherly love. A new day when our beautiful planet is in
harmony - an image that fills my heart and connects my consciousness to
the core of our world that is clearly seeking balance.
As our
earth seeks resonance, let us all do the same. It is our divine right to
re-align in harmony, allowing health, wellness and joyfulness to take
The healing power of sound has never been easier to
experience. Sounds True has put the best of the best together with this
collection. Before exploring these six sound engineers a part of this
set, let's look a little deeper into Sound & Vibration Therapy ...
Universal Law: Light, Sound and Vibration
therapy can be simply be described as a noninvasive, energy-based,
alternative health approach to wellness.Vibration is a primary force in
the Universe and the basis of sound therapy. Vibrational healing is
nothing new and revolutionary, as it has been practiced in many forms
all over the world for thousands of years.
To begin, everything
has frequency and vibration - everything. Everything in the universe is
energy. Nothing is really solid, although it may appear so. Rather
everything in our world is made up of microscopic particles vibrating at
such a fast rate that they appear solid. This is true for living and
non-living items alike. Everything is alive with tiny particles of life
that are in a constant moving state, creating vibration. This is the Law
of Vibration, a law of nature that states that nothing rests,
everything moves; everything vibrates.
If there is a vibration,
you can be sure that it is creating its own unique sound. The very core
of the being is a vibration. Even our thoughts have a vibration. When we
think we are sending out a sound. It is possible to increase the speed
at which the molecules in our bodies vibrate, through our thoughts of
love, joy and gratitude.
Our emotions actually effect the shape of
our DNA. We can also think our self into an illness. When we think,
which is a sound, it resonates the frequency around us to our "thinking"
sound. The mind is a tool of the soul. Do not get the two confused.
Another aspect of dis-ease (meaning disharmony in the body or illness)
occurs when the mind and the soul are in conflict with one another.
has the power to heal. Sound can transform physical matter. Sound can
raise vibrations and therefore bring the body back into a healthy
harmony. Interesting, isn't it? We are all powerful co-creators of our
reality. Healing is possible, but you first must welcome it. In order to
heal you must allow yourself to do so. So give yourself permission
right now to do so. Repeat and affirm the following statement three
times, "I love and respect myself. I welcome healing to take place".
The Collection
The Sound Healing Collection
brings together leading musicians in the field of sound and frequency
healing: Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, David, Ison, Steven Halpren, Ph.D., Dr.
Joseph Nagler, Sylvia Nakkach, and Life in Balance. Listening to healing
sounds, vibrations and music can have dramatic results, and all you
have to do is listen. An intention of healing with the energy of love
helps the process along. This six CD set has a style that will resonate
with everyone, six hours of inspiring, relaxing and healing music. Each
CD offering its own special blend of healing magic.
Music For Brainwave Massage
The first CD is entitled "
Music For Brainwave Massage",
by Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, D.C., B.F.A.. This album is actually
intended to to alter brainwave function and states of consciousness.
Embedded sound frequency patterns, altering right and left signals and
primordial sounds of nature work in harmony with a talented musician and
composer. He is recognized as a worldwide expert in the field of
brainwave entrainment frequencies incorporated into musical sound
tracks. Mr Thompson has established a method for using modulated
sound-pulses for Brainwave Entrainment intent with changing states of
consciousness for healing the mind, body and spirit.
This is one
of my favorite discs in the collection. I never "tire" of listening to
it and can easily play it for weeks at a time, without intermission. It
puts me in a good moon ... I mean mood ... and keeps me there, feeling
warm, focused, calm, cool and collected. One of my favorite CD's of this
collection, I never take it out of the ten disc player.
The second CD,
by David Ison is one of the more emotional moving pieces, for myself
anyhow. It tends to trigger highs and lows, even exposing great sadness
and sensitivities at times.
David Ison is internationally
recognized as a pioneer in extending the healing effectiveness of sound,
meditation and self realization. He is a musician, composer, mediation
teacher, published author, the creator of the Musical Body, The
Harmonizer and the Ison Method, along with dozens of other
transformational musical programs.
After a serious car accident
Ison was injured so bad that he broke his back and was unable to walk.
Intent on healing himself, David refused pain killers and surgery,
instead using an energy-based meditation technique to slow down his
breathing to create a deep state of relaxation and then to direct his
body’s vital force to the injured areas of his body. He walked out of
the hospital, inspired to create transformational musical tools that
would create the same kind of deep benefits he experienced while
Music For Healing MInd, Body & Spirit
Lucky number three is entitled,
"Music For Healing MInd, Body & Spirit",
by Steven Halpern, Ph.D. This CD takes me to distant galaxies, visions
of dancing on keyboard synthesizers while waves of light are emitted
from frequencies that sound almost too good for the human ear to hear.
If the speakers are up high enough I can feel some of these notes in my
teeth ...
Steven Halpern, Ph.D is an award-winning composer,
speaker, recording artist, author and producer. He has been named by
Keyboard magazine as "one of the 10 most influential keyboard artists of
the past 50 years." Steven discovered secrets of combining ancient
sound healing traditions with quantum biology and energy medicine to
produce recordings that present the proper vibrations, supporting deep
levels of healing by employing the mind and body's wisdom and
genetically programmed ability to heal itself.
Music for Rejuvenation
Another emotional stirring CD in this collection,
"Music for Rejuvenation",
by Dr. Joseph Nagler is the fourth album of this "collection of the
brightest six." This is actually one of my least favorite's of the set,
and although it begins with a bit of an emotion kick, I find myself
turning it off by the time track three rolls around. I certainly do not
plan on listening to this album as much as the others, if at all. It is
too "brassy" for my taste. It also has moments of uncomfortable sadness
and emotional, whining piano and violin that pours from the speakers,
making it difficult for me to listen to.
Joseph Nagler, D.A.,
C.M.T. received his doctorate in music therapy and is currently a
Professor of Music at Queensborough Community College. He is an author,
music therapist, musician and researcher. He is currently researching
the use of music to promote language development with autistic children.
The fourth disc,
by Silvia Nakkach, has been a resident in my ten disc player for months
now. I cannot get enough of it. It feels healing listening to the
beautiful melodies, vocals and acoustic textures. This is by far my
favorite of the entire collection. Shamanic and multi-cultural
influences are woven together with the sacred voice of Silvia in the
spotlight. This deeply healing, world music score is graceful, spiritual
and heart touching. A penetrating album that encapsulates the essence
of a true healer, a natural healer. Centered and relaxed, I immediately
feel at peace with myself, my world and God. Silvia has a voice that is
angelic, healing, elegant, soul-soothing and heart opening. Her heart
pours with emotion, yet she sings with control, strength, poise and
inner balance. Truly a work of art ...
Silvia Nakkach,M.A.,M.M.T.
Is an award-winning composer, a former music psychotherapist, educator,
singer, author, multi-instrumentalist and voice-culturist. She has been a
pioneer in the field of sound and transformation of consciousness and
is a recognized authority on the healing power of voice, music and
sound. She is the founding director of The Vox Mundi School, an
international project devoted to teaching and preserving indigenous
musical traditions and combining service, spiritual practice and music.
Crystal Bowl Meditation
Sixth and final disc of this Ambient, healing collection is "
Crystal Bowl Meditation"
by Life In Balance. This is another favorite in the the collection. The
Life In Balance pair are pioneers in ambient and trance-inducing
electro-acoustic music. This touring duo, husband and wife team - Amin
and Steve Sciulli, create a hypnotic, textured sound that is easy to
relax and meditate to. The music has a magical sound, blending golden
sparkling, pixie dust as it touches our dimension, alchemy, crystals and
bells. The vibrational force causes my speakers to rattle at times. The
work of Life In Balance is impressive, as they use ten crystal bowls in
this album to create the sacred healing sounds. I enjoyed watching them
on you tube, as I have never witnessed crystal bowls being played with
such beauty. The music touches me different, after seeing them in
Life In Balance merging sacred instruments and modern
instruments. Ami and Steve Sciulli are sacred sound healing musicians
who use quartz crystal bowls and electronically enhanced world flutes to
create an environment for healing, expansion, and relaxation. A
national touring duo, Steve Sciulli and Ami Sciulli have played with
Deepak Chopra, Krishna Das, Rusted Root and the Drepung Gomang Tibetan
If I had to pack light for a
weekend trip ... or even a year, this collection would be traveling
with me. I know I cannot go wrong with it, everyone loves it - everyone.
Out of the entire six hours of music, there are only a few songs that I
did not care for. It helps trigger the response of love and relaxation -
a winning combo for an alchemical miracle to take place.
I love
this CD set and my clients do too! It's great music for bodywork,
meditation and relaxation. I highly recommend it. Remarkable experiences
have been reported with the use of sound. You won't regret adding this
set to your collection. For more information, please visit
Sounds True.
- Music for Brainwave Massage, by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, Brainwave entrainment to induce healing states of mind.
- Relax, by David Ison, A musical method used by over 500,000 patients at the National Institutes of Health.
- Music
for Healing Mind, Body, and Spirit, by Steven Halpern, PhD, A musical
prescription for balancing your mind, body, and spirit.
- Music for Rejuvenation, by Dr. Joseph Nagler, Revitalize every cell by balancing the rhythms in your body.
- Inside, by Silvia Nakkach, Ethereal vocals to awaken the spirit of healing.
- Crystal Bowl Meditation, by Life In Balance, A unique vibratory journey to deeply meditative states.