“Did you know, you were born as the first, and the last
and the best and the only one of your kind?" - Clarissa Pinkola Estés
The Dangerous Old Woman : Myths & Stories of the Wise Woman Archetype
is a passionate, expressive, poetic and captivating audio series.
Estes' captured my heart with her sweet voice, grace and charm, bringing
the stories to life in a way I have never heard before. I love
listening to these wild women stories, especially before bedtime.
interesting, entertaining and inspiration ... this set is truly
remarkable, a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. Listening to these stories
makes me feel so wonderful and alive, striving toward bringing out the
very best and brightest of every moment.
recipient of numerous awards for her life's work, Pinkola continues to
inspire and channel the voice of divine grace. Estés is a spoken word
artist in poetry, stories, blessings and psychoanalytic commentary. Her
spokenword audios are passionate, expressive, poetic and therapeutic.
For more information, please visit Sounds True.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Audio Book: Untie The Strong Woman - Clariss Pinkola Estes' PhD
Untie The Strong Woman is a beautiful and poetic audio book about the Immaculate, Holy Mother.
Review: Untie the Strong Woman, Blessed Mother's Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul
Regardless of religious background or spiritual belief system, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, expresses the immaculate love and strength of the Blessed, Holy Mother in a very unorthodox, poetic way that resonates with so many in search and seeking Divine Love. Untie the Strong Woman (Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Sound True, February 22, 2011) is an invitation to join with and under the shelter of The Mother, in one of her many disguises and fashions. This is the author’s original adaptation of the Untie the Strong Woman manuscript, recorded live by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés.
"There is a promise Holy Mother, Our Lady makes to us," explains Dr. Estés, "that any soul needing comfort, vision, guidance, or strength can cry out to her, flee to her protection, and thus, Blessed Mother will immediately arrive with veils flying. She will place us under her mantle for refuge, and give us that one thing the world so longs toward: the warmth of The Mother's most compassionate touch, and strong guidance about how to and which way to go, by the soul's lights."
Blessed Mother's Protection
When I was a little girl I went to a Catholic grade school from kindergarten until eighth grade. I Loved it, I really did. I Loved the safety in faith, the protection the small cross I wore around my neck gave me, the innocence that I felt not knowing that I was truly blessed in my ignorance.
What a beautiful place, those Holy Catholic School memories I have, praying for the honer roll and good health for my family. Oh and there was, of course, that one time, that one summer when I prayed for some roller blades, and someone to roller blade with. Funny how it manifested in the fall, when school began and we had some new students in the class. Funny how things happen like that, as though people make wishes simultaneously at the same time and life brings them together. That year I had so much fun, with the new girl, whose innocence matched mine and whose heart was also on fire.
This audio story takes me back to the purity I felt in those younger years, from nuns and priests and teachers who also practiced and had great faith. My rebellion from the spoon-fed Christianity in search for something deeper, the true seed of spirituality came later during my adolescent years, when I began to see the contradictions in the teachings of my cherished Catholic School Upbringing.
"No demure little cabbage, that woman. No paltry, well-behaved carbon dot. No follower of worldly orders. Quite the contrary. Our exemplar.", Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés.
Who is Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD?
Clarissa Pinkola Estés (born 27 January 1945) is the author of the bestselling Book Women Who Run With the Wolves, along with over a dozen audio programs from Sounds True. A Jungian psychoanalyst, American poet, post-trauma specialist and a cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition), Dr Pinkola was once a mother on welfare. She is currently the Deputy Managing Editor and columnist writing on politics, spirituality and culture at the news blog TheModerateVoice.com and a columnist at The National Catholic Reporter.
The recipient of numerous awards for her life's work, Pinkola continues to inspire and channel the voice of divine grace. Estés is a spoken word artist in poetry, stories, blessings and psychoanalytic commentary. Her spokenword audios, including Untie the Strong Woman, Blessed Mother's Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul, are passionate, expressive, poetic and therapeutic. She is a voice of compassion, a heart you can trust to pick you up when you have fallen and are feeling lost, beaten and alone.
The Force Of Immaculate Love
“Holy Mother is not meant to be a fence,” writes Estes, “Holy Mother is a gate.”
Untie the Strong Woman is a blend of poetry, blessings, prayers and teachings in the form of story, all interwoven into a beautiful and heart touching expression of the divine Holy Mother. The Holy Mother whose grace and protection is only a call away, a heart beat's distance from her loving embrace.
With wild-hearted compassion, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés encourages the reader to reveal her wild, true nature, her compassion and strength that is not always quiet and submissive as many would have the Holy Mother portrayed. She speaks out when necessary, she remains quiet when that is what is best. You cannot control her, you cannot manipulate her. Holy Mother is no puppet, nor is she ever absent. She is always with us. Where there is compassion you will find her. Where there is need she will sprout, in one of her guises, in one of her many forms, one of her many voices.
Estés reminds the reader that Blessed Mother cannot be tamed, cannot be silenced, cannot be shut into a wall or desecrated beyond existence. She cannot be destroyed. With the sweetness of the poetry of her words, her voice and her accent that speaks the language of "the people", oh ... the people ... The people whose hearts are broken, or in need, or suffering or impoverished somehow. That is where you will find this Immaculate Heart the most. An audio book so inspiring, it set my own heart aflame once again.
"I know, and I hope with deepest love that you do too, know the Mary, Maria, Mir-yam, Guadalupe of wilder heart, of long journeys with a blurred map, of night fires at the far encampment. Our Lady who, when all the apostles ran away ... she stayed. Blessed Mother, she who is renowned as the one able to wear the flaming, exploding fire lakes of the Sun.", Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés.
In Closing
Brilliant! I am hungry for more Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés. For more information, please visit Sounds True.
- Untie the Strong Woman, Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul
- Clarissa Pinkola Estes
- Spoken-Word Audio / AW01723D / 4 CDs / 4 hours
- Spirituality, Women’s Studies
- US $29.95
- ISBN-10: 1-60407-079-X
- ISBN-13: 978-1-60407-079-8
Monday, November 24, 2014
Review - Kosmic Consciousness Ken Wilber
Kosmic Consciousness Ken Wilber
... how do I describe the indiscribable, difficult to define Kosmic
Consciousness? ( ... I pause for a state of even deeper reflection ...
) Well, there is one thing I can say for sure about this audio
adventure ... and that is this - Whether you like Kosmic Consciousness
or do not, you surely will learn a thing or two that will change the way
you see things!!!
this ten disc set (12 hours, 30 minutes), Sounds True publisher Tami
Simon interviews one of the most influential and widely read American
philosophers of our time, Ken Wilber. A good friend to Wilber, Tami
Simon has been asking him to do an audio with her on his integral work
for years, finally to agree and Kosmic Consciousness was born.
The eclectic and prolific philosopher, Ken Wilber has sold many books across the globe, translated into more than twenty languages. If you are a fan of his work you will love Kosmic Consciousness.
For myself, listening to Kosmic Consciousness took me on a ride through places I had never knew to ponder about before ... deep, detailed, unique and ... well, hhmmm ... sort of confusing. I think this has to do with Ken Wilber being a newly introduced philosopher to myself, someone who I was not aware of previously. His passion for life and story is evident, along with his need to remain humble, adding to his charm. I must admit that to truly understand what he was saying while listening to Kosmic Consciousness was a little difficult for myself, but as mentioned I am not familiar with his work. His brilliance is enough to blind ...
Once I devoted myself to truly grasping even a portion of what Mr. Wilber was conveying, I began to really listen. As anything that you meditate upon, the truth in what he was saying certainly did indeed reveal itself ... an effort that was quite rewarding. His work is a little like engulfing yourself into a really great novel, movie or perhaps even a really cool animated video game ... It is a fun adventure if you let it be OR an extremely boring lecture if you never break through the surface into the heart, color and vitality of his work. It is definitely not for everyone, although Wilber is clearly a legend of his time.
For more information, please visit Sounds True.
The eclectic and prolific philosopher, Ken Wilber has sold many books across the globe, translated into more than twenty languages. If you are a fan of his work you will love Kosmic Consciousness.
For myself, listening to Kosmic Consciousness took me on a ride through places I had never knew to ponder about before ... deep, detailed, unique and ... well, hhmmm ... sort of confusing. I think this has to do with Ken Wilber being a newly introduced philosopher to myself, someone who I was not aware of previously. His passion for life and story is evident, along with his need to remain humble, adding to his charm. I must admit that to truly understand what he was saying while listening to Kosmic Consciousness was a little difficult for myself, but as mentioned I am not familiar with his work. His brilliance is enough to blind ...
Once I devoted myself to truly grasping even a portion of what Mr. Wilber was conveying, I began to really listen. As anything that you meditate upon, the truth in what he was saying certainly did indeed reveal itself ... an effort that was quite rewarding. His work is a little like engulfing yourself into a really great novel, movie or perhaps even a really cool animated video game ... It is a fun adventure if you let it be OR an extremely boring lecture if you never break through the surface into the heart, color and vitality of his work. It is definitely not for everyone, although Wilber is clearly a legend of his time.
For more information, please visit Sounds True.
From the Sounds True website
Kosmic Consciousness Highlights:
- The "one taste" of the Kosmos
- Quadrants, lines, states, types, and stages—a complete introduction to the Integral Map
- Assessing your constellation of "multiple intelligences"
- The Good, the True, and the Beautiful—three realms of experience explored
- How meditation works, and why it is the most reliable tool for personal development
- Feminine and masculine drives—how our biology influences our spiritual evolution
- The chakra system, a paradigm for the unfolding self
- Integral insights for artists, businesspeople, and athletes
- Altered states of consciousness—how they can catalyze (or hinder) transformation
- Sexuality and lovemaking in the gross, subtle, and causal bodies
- The"pre-trans fallacy," an essential insight for evaluating spiritual tools, traditions, and teachers
- How fearlessness grows as your sense of self expands
- Four definitions of spirituality
- The ego—is it a vehicle or an obstacle to awakening?
- Lucid dreaming, astrology, brain machines, and the Enneagram—integral perspectives
- Mystical experiences in nature—a window into spirit
- How love "re-wires" the self
- Could your dog be an enlightened master?
- Basic moral intuition—a compass for our actions in the world
- Cultural "centers of gravity" and how they influence us
- Reincarnation—myth or provable phenomenon?
- What does an enlightened teacher "transmit"?
- Ascending, descending, and "nondual" spiritual paths
- Tantra and the "embrace of heaven and earth"
- More than 12 hours of insights in a rare series of meetings with Ken Wilber
Miracles of Archangel Gabriel by Doreen Virtue
Miracles of Archangel Gabriel by Doreen Virtue

I love angels. I want to know everything there is about them and have had several angel experiences myself. Doreen Virtue has made an entire career about the angels. Her work is respected across the globe. She holds B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology; and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with the angelic realm. She has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and other television and radio programs; and writes regular columns for Woman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destiny magazines. I have several of her books and card decks in my collection ... this is one of my favorites.
Miracles of Archangel Gabriel by Doreen Virtue, released by Hay House, puts the focus on one of my favorite Archangels, Gabriel. Gabriel, the famous messenger angel from the Christmas story who visits Mary is the messenger among the messengers. A hard back book, that is rich in color, art and historical reference, if you want to know about this archangel, or need a miracle yourself, I highly recommend this book. There are historical accounts mixed with stories of everyday people encounters with this messenger angel, Archangel Gabriel. The book offers great guidance that teaches how the reader can receive assistance also.
I have received this book from Hay House Publishing Company for the sole purpose of review. My review is solely based on my opinion of this title.

I love angels. I want to know everything there is about them and have had several angel experiences myself. Doreen Virtue has made an entire career about the angels. Her work is respected across the globe. She holds B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology; and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with the angelic realm. She has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and other television and radio programs; and writes regular columns for Woman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destiny magazines. I have several of her books and card decks in my collection ... this is one of my favorites.
Miracles of Archangel Gabriel by Doreen Virtue, released by Hay House, puts the focus on one of my favorite Archangels, Gabriel. Gabriel, the famous messenger angel from the Christmas story who visits Mary is the messenger among the messengers. A hard back book, that is rich in color, art and historical reference, if you want to know about this archangel, or need a miracle yourself, I highly recommend this book. There are historical accounts mixed with stories of everyday people encounters with this messenger angel, Archangel Gabriel. The book offers great guidance that teaches how the reader can receive assistance also.
I have received this book from Hay House Publishing Company for the sole purpose of review. My review is solely based on my opinion of this title.
Book Review: Through the Eyes of Another, Karen Noe
Book Review: Through the EYES of another, A Medium’s Guide to
Creating Heaven on Earth by Encountering Your Life Review Now - Karen
"I often hear regrets from those who have crossed over to the other side that they should have or could have said or done certain things while they were still here.” - Karen Noe
One by one, the synchronicities in my life lined up pointing in the direction of this book. I did not know what to expect when I requested a copy of Through the EYES of another by the New Jersey, Psychic Medium Karen Noe, other than the fact that signs seem to be urging me to read it ... and so ... I did.
An inspirational and healing spiritual book, Through the EYES of another, A Medium’s Guide to Creating Heaven on Earth by Encountering Your Life Review Now (Hay House, June 2012) by psychic medium Karen Noe is a unique and empowering book that brings light to dark places ...
Karen Noe
After a profound spiritual experience Karen encountered when a beautiful white light appeared in her house and slowly floated towards her eventually encompassing her with brilliant white light, as you would expect, she was never the same. The light engulfed her with a deep feeling of tranquility and peace, whispering telepathically in her ear in Italian. "Luce lucina, bella luce lucina", which translates in English to "Light, little light, beautiful little light." From that day forward Karen Noe began to receive messages from those who have passed over and the angels regularly.
Karen Noe is a psychic medium and the founder of the Angel Quest Center in Ramsey, New Jersey, where she gives readings, practices alternative healing and teaches classes. She is a Certified Spiritual Counselor (certified by author Doreen Virtue), a Usui and Lightarian Reiki Master and Energy Healer, a Certified Hypnotherapist, and a Past Life Regressionist. Karen earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Boston University and her Masters Degree in Business from Fordham University. She hosts a radio show called Angel Quest on www.wrcr.com the first Saturday of every month.
Through the Eyes of Another is Karen Noe's first book published by Hay House, although she has another book titled, The Rainbow Follows the Storm: How to Obtain Inner Peace by Connecting with Angels and Deceased Loved Ones (Blue Dolphin Publishing, Inc, March 5, 2005). Karen is also featured in Healing with the Angels, Angel Visions, and Earth Angels by Doreen Virtue. She has been published in A.R.E.'s Venture Inward Magazine as well.
Through the Eyes of Another
Through the Eyes of Another takes the reader to a place that perhaps is not the most comforting for many - DEATH ... and transforms this uneasiness to a pure and inexhaustible joy and vigor for life. How does she create such a miracle you ask ... by bringing HOPE. Hope is a magical ingredient and would make a great nickname for Karen Noe.
The Life Review
Karen takes the reader on a compassionate and loving journey of forgiveness, healing and heart-filled communications that leads to a more peaceful and joyful life. The life review is something that is said to occur at death, a purgatory of sorts, when an entire life time flashes before the eyes and can be intensely felt as though it is happening all over again. During a life review ... in this in-between plateau ... the person will experience each life event from their own perspective, as well as the perspective and emotions of everyone else who was effected by a choice that the person has made. It can be a transformational experience in one's life ... if they come back to life ... experiencing the life review during a near death experience. The beauty of this book, the first of its kind, is that Karen is guiding the reader to do a life review now, while still living. Think about it ... Wouldn't you love to effect people in such a wonderful, loving way that when you die, you will feel how wonderful you made them feel ...
The Power Of A Letter
The heart-opening wisdom of Karen Noe is like having a personal spiritual development teacher by your side. Karen shows the reader how to preform a life review by writing different types of letters. Letters to yourself, the deceased, people in your life ... Guidance toward seeing things from the eyes of others helps the reader to process events in a compassionate and loving way. You do not have to physically send the the letters. The intention and energy is enough to create change ... Karen has an entire chapter on writing a letter to yourself ... perhaps the most important chapter of all!
This book is much like a workbook, without the work space. Extra paper is mandatory. Healing tears poured while reading and I find myself more joyful and happy already ... The book inspired me to take action. A life review is all about the understanding that we are all responsible for our lives. When I die I want to see my life flash before me and think ... "Wow, this is what I did. I am so proud. I did this. Look at all the people I have touched ... "
Thank you Karen Noe. You are an exceptional woman, embraced by an exceptional publisher ... a perfect fit!
For more information, please visit Hay House.
I received the book from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own, based on my personal experience.
"I often hear regrets from those who have crossed over to the other side that they should have or could have said or done certain things while they were still here.” - Karen Noe
One by one, the synchronicities in my life lined up pointing in the direction of this book. I did not know what to expect when I requested a copy of Through the EYES of another by the New Jersey, Psychic Medium Karen Noe, other than the fact that signs seem to be urging me to read it ... and so ... I did.
An inspirational and healing spiritual book, Through the EYES of another, A Medium’s Guide to Creating Heaven on Earth by Encountering Your Life Review Now (Hay House, June 2012) by psychic medium Karen Noe is a unique and empowering book that brings light to dark places ...
Karen Noe
After a profound spiritual experience Karen encountered when a beautiful white light appeared in her house and slowly floated towards her eventually encompassing her with brilliant white light, as you would expect, she was never the same. The light engulfed her with a deep feeling of tranquility and peace, whispering telepathically in her ear in Italian. "Luce lucina, bella luce lucina", which translates in English to "Light, little light, beautiful little light." From that day forward Karen Noe began to receive messages from those who have passed over and the angels regularly.
Karen Noe is a psychic medium and the founder of the Angel Quest Center in Ramsey, New Jersey, where she gives readings, practices alternative healing and teaches classes. She is a Certified Spiritual Counselor (certified by author Doreen Virtue), a Usui and Lightarian Reiki Master and Energy Healer, a Certified Hypnotherapist, and a Past Life Regressionist. Karen earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Boston University and her Masters Degree in Business from Fordham University. She hosts a radio show called Angel Quest on www.wrcr.com the first Saturday of every month.
Through the Eyes of Another is Karen Noe's first book published by Hay House, although she has another book titled, The Rainbow Follows the Storm: How to Obtain Inner Peace by Connecting with Angels and Deceased Loved Ones (Blue Dolphin Publishing, Inc, March 5, 2005). Karen is also featured in Healing with the Angels, Angel Visions, and Earth Angels by Doreen Virtue. She has been published in A.R.E.'s Venture Inward Magazine as well.
Through the Eyes of Another
Through the Eyes of Another takes the reader to a place that perhaps is not the most comforting for many - DEATH ... and transforms this uneasiness to a pure and inexhaustible joy and vigor for life. How does she create such a miracle you ask ... by bringing HOPE. Hope is a magical ingredient and would make a great nickname for Karen Noe.
The Life Review
Karen takes the reader on a compassionate and loving journey of forgiveness, healing and heart-filled communications that leads to a more peaceful and joyful life. The life review is something that is said to occur at death, a purgatory of sorts, when an entire life time flashes before the eyes and can be intensely felt as though it is happening all over again. During a life review ... in this in-between plateau ... the person will experience each life event from their own perspective, as well as the perspective and emotions of everyone else who was effected by a choice that the person has made. It can be a transformational experience in one's life ... if they come back to life ... experiencing the life review during a near death experience. The beauty of this book, the first of its kind, is that Karen is guiding the reader to do a life review now, while still living. Think about it ... Wouldn't you love to effect people in such a wonderful, loving way that when you die, you will feel how wonderful you made them feel ...
The Power Of A Letter
The heart-opening wisdom of Karen Noe is like having a personal spiritual development teacher by your side. Karen shows the reader how to preform a life review by writing different types of letters. Letters to yourself, the deceased, people in your life ... Guidance toward seeing things from the eyes of others helps the reader to process events in a compassionate and loving way. You do not have to physically send the the letters. The intention and energy is enough to create change ... Karen has an entire chapter on writing a letter to yourself ... perhaps the most important chapter of all!
This book is much like a workbook, without the work space. Extra paper is mandatory. Healing tears poured while reading and I find myself more joyful and happy already ... The book inspired me to take action. A life review is all about the understanding that we are all responsible for our lives. When I die I want to see my life flash before me and think ... "Wow, this is what I did. I am so proud. I did this. Look at all the people I have touched ... "
Thank you Karen Noe. You are an exceptional woman, embraced by an exceptional publisher ... a perfect fit!
For more information, please visit Hay House.
I received the book from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own, based on my personal experience.
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